For virtually every aspect of fundraising, a multitude of online and print resources are available that will walk a nonprofit through the fund development process. Here are some excellent sources for information on raising resources:
There you will find over 3,000 reference resources – from how to set up an annual fund, to new social media giving, to special events, and tax issues.
The NCNP acknowledges the importance of fundraising to sustain the work of nonprofits. They provide extensive online resources related to various aspects of fund development – from accountability practices, to gift acceptance policies, to writing thank you notes to donors, for example.
The Foundation Center offers a free online directory of grantmaking foundations, giving access to basic information for over 90,000 foundations nationwide. Searches for more detailed information are also available at various fee levels.
The Foundation Center offers online links to associations of grantmakers that have adopted a common grant application form. This common form provides the nonprofit with the efficiency of applying to several foundations at the same time, using the same form.
The Foundation Center’s online search capability makes it possible to locate nonprofit resource centers where the core collection of Foundation Center resources can be accessed throughout the United States. These are hard copy collections in libraries, community foundations, and other nonprofits.
The Fundraising School provides highly respected training in the art, ethics, and profession of fundraising. Numerous courses are held throughout the world.
The Grantsmanship Center provides online resources about the process of obtaining grant funding. Topics such as “Getting the Grant 101: The Essentials,” and “Managing Your Grant: Nuts, Bolts, Coffee.” An interactive United States map provides state-by-state listings of private grantmaking foundations, community foundations, and corporate giving programs.
Grants from the United States federal government can be investigated from the home page. The website includes a search function for grants and grant notifications systems.
CMF has a common grant application form available online that provides a template for writing a grant request to foundations.
MNA provides networking support to nonprofit management support organizations (MSO) located across Michigan. These MSOs provide locally available resources, including ideas about fundraising for organizations in their service areas. MNA also provides ongoing workshops, webinars, and trainings on all aspects of managing a nonprofit – including how to fundraise.
MCSC offers a bi-monthly funding alert, providing information on grants available related to service and other opportunities for nonprofits.
The Johnson Center provides ongoing workshops and seminars for nonprofits, including fund development, consultation services with nonprofits, and has the second largest resource library related to philanthropy in the country, including materials on various aspects of fundraising.