Karen Aldridge-Eason, the first foundation liaison to the governor’s office in the U.S., helped build the Michigan philanthropy infrastructure.
Learn about what Carolyn Bloodworth brings to corporate grantmaking in Michigan.
Dwight Burlingame, professor of philanthropic studies and the Glenn Family Chair in Philanthropy at the Lilly School of Philanthropy, is a thought leader in philanthropy scholarship worldwide.
Frank Dirks was instrumental in establishing the Michigan Community Service Commission. Learn about this contribution.
Michelle Engler served as Michigan's First Lady from 1991-2002 and was the founding chair of the Michigan Community Service Commission.
Find out about Julie Fisher Cummings' engagement to philanthropy in Michigan and nationally.
Learn about Dorothy A. Johnson's commitment to increasing the effectiveness of philanthropy and to building resources for Michigan and nation.
Paula Kaiser VanDam led the Michigan Community Service Commission both as a commissioner and director.
Christine Chris Kwak brought the perspective of a social worker to the Kellogg Foundation.
As head of the W.K. Kellogg Foundation, Russell Russ Mawby was a leader in the creation of all four OSoG partner organizations. Learn more.
Joel J. Orosz helped develop six organizations that have become pillars in Michigan philanthropy. Learn more about this contribution.
As director of The LEAGUE Michigan, Kari Pardoe harnessed her passion and help integrate youth into the field of philanthropy in Michigan.